Collection highlights

Explore a selection of our collection favorites

We’ve built a world-class contemporary art collection with a wide array of wonderful highlights. Sometimes bold and beautiful, sometimes subtle and profound—and always reflecting our culture of change—art at Progressive changes you whether you know it or not.

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Explore some of our most recent acquisitions and site-specific installations from across the country

Mohau Modisakeng / Passage

Recent acquisitions

Each year we acquire approximately 200 artworks. We seek artists whose diversity of identity and communication reflect that of our Progressive people. Our art arouses our people to dialogue and debate. Progressive’s collection can be described as compelling, visually unforgettable, innovative, rich in content, and critically representative of the times in which we live.

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Petah Coyne / Untitled #788, #790, #796, #799, #800, #804


We’ve commissioned several artists to create large-scale, site-specific artworks for our regional contact centers across the country. Often the most memorable takeaways from a site visit, these massive artworks proactively awaken our shared spaces.

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